Showing posts with label Eternal security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eternal security. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2020


This fully-documented, 801-page volume will take the reader from the origin of eternal security or once saved, always saved (OSAS) to the present time, as the contemporary OSAS teachers of our day are quoted hundreds of times and their teachings are examined under the l ight of God’s truth. If you are like many, among other things, you will be shocked to learn that the teaching of OSAS is sometimes equated to grace and the gospel! Furthermore, the chapters exposing Calvin’s dark side and unmasking the Synod of Dort (1618-1619), will give a factual, historical account that seems to be little known in our day. But most importantly, hundreds of Scriptures are cited in both offensive and defensive ways that will substantiate The Believer’s Conditional Security —the most comprehensive refutation of unconditional eternal security ever published.

Permission is hereby granted to any individual or publisher anywhere in the world to reproduce this book in any language. To withhold this permission might adversely affect one or more eternal souls for whom the Lord Jesus shed his precious blood and died. If you are a publisher, you are, therefore, encouraged to reproduce this book and distribute it as you will. There are absolutely no strings attached.—Daniel D. Corner (the author).


1. Introduction 

2. OSAS Definitions and Origin 

3. Calvin’s Dark Side 

4. The Synod of Dort Unmasked 

5. From Initial to Final Salvation

6. God’s Faithfulness 

7. The Truth About Sin 

8. The Importance of Forgiving 

9. The Carnal Christian 

10. Grace, the True and the False 

11. Christian Freedom and Liberty 

12. Three Dangers 

13. Eighteen Biblical Examples

14. The Book of Hebrews

15. True Salvation Assurance

16. We Demolish Arguments

17. OSAS and Suicide

18. OSAS Contradictions

19. OSAS Strange Interpretations

20. Questions

21. The “Romans Road” Unedited

22. Lukewarm

23. Hell and Who Goes There

24. Safeguards

25. Summary