Tuesday, March 22, 2016



We started in the first lesson by saying we were going to look at things the way God does. Remember that when God looks at our life, God looks on the heart. He sees what is on the inside. A man's heart is so deceitful that a man on his own cannot even know his own heart (Jeremiah 17:9). So if you want to know how God sees things, and how God sees you, you are going to have to come to God's Word.

One day, we will all stand before God and give an answer for our lives (Romans 14:12). We will have to give an account for everything we have ever done, everything we have ever said, everything we ever thought, and God will judge us. He will judge us according to truth (Romans 2:2). The Bible tells us that truth is found in the Word of God (John 17:17). So when we come to the Bible, what we are really doing is checking out the manual by  which God  is going to judge our lives one day. Therefore, we are looking at our lives in light of the Word of God. We know the Bible is true because of how it was put together and the claims it makes that it is God's Word. God has given us His law to show us what He demands of our lives. There are 613 laws in the Old Testament, but the whole law is summed up in the Ten Commandments.

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Not one of us can say we have lived our life in complete love, subjection, honor, and respect to God Himself. We live our lives our own way, our own direction, doing our own thing.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Most of us do not worship idols, but the Bible talks about people who make a god in their own mind. They decide how they want a god to be. Maybe they want a god who is kind, good, loving, merciful and overlooks sin, or who gives whatever they want and desires. That is not the God of the Bible. Even if you have the right concept of God   there are times when in your mind, you decide how you want God to be and to act. You have broken the second commandment.

3. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

This includes cursing, but goes much further than just that. The word vain means emptiness. To take God's name in vain also means to take God's name and treat it lightly, to treat God as if He means nothing.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

This speaks of giving God time in our life, time each week that we might spend with Him. It means more than just giving God an hour on Sunday morning. Most of you have your whole agenda for today planned and God is not even in it, except for this hour you will   endure in church. Even while you are sitting in church, your mind is caught up with a million other ideas. Your mind is not even giving God the honor that He rightly deserves.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother.

Who can say they have honored their parents all their lives? Who can say they have lived their lives in complete respect of their parents at all times and never said anything wrong or never acted in a wrong way or never had a wrong feeling in their heart towards their parents?  I don't think there is anyone who can say they have always lived, honoring their parents as they should.

All the good deeds in the world will not save you if you have broken God's law. If you have offended in one point of the law you are guilty of it all. If you have ever committed one sin, you are guilty. It doesn't matter how many good deeds you do in your life, it will never make you right with God. If those good deeds  could  make  you  right  with  God,  you  would  strut through   Heaven  boasting  of your goodness  and patting yourself on the back. God says our good works will not get us into Heaven.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

Hopefully most of us have never killed anyone. But Jesus interprets this command for us in Matthew saying if you hate your brother or have anger towards a person it is the same as murder. In a sense, you have killed him in God's eyes. That is how God sees it.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Jesus said that if you look upon a woman to lust after her in your heart, you are guilty of adultery.  Not only the physical act, but also just the wrong thought makes you guilty before God.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

That means anything, no matter how small.

9. Thou shalt not lie.

There is not a person alive who can say they have never broken that commandment.

10. Thou shalt not covet.

Coveting means desiring, wanting something so much that it consumes your whole being. All you can think about is how you can get it.

As we look at the law of God we must say that we are guilty, condemned before God.  Some people pride themselves in doing the best they can and hoping God will overlook the rest. However, James 2:10 tells us that if a man offends in one point of the law, he is guilty of all.

The bottom line of it all is that we have broken the law of God. There is not one person down through history today that has ever been able to keep all of God's law perfectly all of his life. There will not be one person from now until the end of time that will be able to perfectly keep God's law all of his life. It is impossible to do. Therefore, we all stand guilty and condemned before God.


We said at the end of the first study that when God looks at the world, He sees two different groups of people. There are those who have no relationship with God, and those who have a relationship with God. Two different groups of people: some who belong to God, and some who do not belong to God. We are going to look at these two different groups. The Bible uses many different terms to talk about these two groups of people. We are going to look at a few of those terms.


The first one is the word lost and it is found in Luke 19:10. “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was_____________”. What was the purpose of Jesus coming into the world? In this verse it says His purpose was to ________, to find, and to ______________ those who are lost. That term lost is a rather interesting term.  There are very few connotations in which you can use the word “lost” in a good sense. If a man loses his health, or his wealth, it is not a good thing. If a man loses his family, or parents, or loses a child, it is not good. Generally when you talk about something being lost, you are talking about something that is tragic.

The Bible says the way God looks at people who have no relationship to Him, those who have broken the Ten Commandments, those who are guilty according to God, is that they are lost. It is the picture of a child going out into the bush, forgetting to mark his trail, and getting lost. He doesn't know where he is and he doesn't know how to get out. He is in the middle of a large, vast rainforest, thousands of hectares with no hope of finding his way out on his own. The term is a description of a person who is in great need of help. It describes a person who can't solve the problem on his own. If you are lost, you can't get out of where you are. If you are lost, you can't find your way out. If you are lost, you need someone on the outside to come and give  you the assistance you need to get out of the condition you are in, lost. That is how the  Bible describes  people who have  broken  the  Ten Commandments. This is how the Bible says God  looks upon you and upon me, because we are guilty.


The next  term  though  is  for those  who are  related  to  God, those  who have a relationship  with Him. That is the word saved.  In Romans 10:13, the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be_______________”. Think about that term “saved”.  That is a great word, one of my favorites.

When I first started to attend a Baptist church, I remember hearing them talk about being saved.  It almost caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. My thoughts were something like   this. “Saved?  What do you mean, saved?  I don't need to be saved”. Then I began to realize that I was a sinner before God. I began to see myself as God saw me and I realized that indeed I was lost. The night when Christ saved me, I was ready. I wanted Him to save me, because I knew I was hopeless and helpless. I was like a child out in the middle of the bush, not knowing which way to turn. If a child was lost in the bush and someone came along to rescue him, that child isn't going to be particular about what they look like. The child will just be glad to be rescued.

Suppose you go out in an ocean liner and fall overboard in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and the ocean liner keeps right on sailing. Now you are out there, bobbing in the water, good shark bait. You can't swim to shore because it is way too far. After a few days a boat comes along and sees you there in the water and throws out a white life preserver to you. Would you say, “Excuse me but I don't like white life preservers. I want a red one please”. No, you are going to be willing to grab hold of anything that will rescue you. Why? Because you realize you are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and you can't save yourself. You need someone to rescue you.

That is exactly what “saved” means. It means to be rescued. The Bible says you and I have broken the Ten Commandments, God's law. It is a sin to break just one of them, and we are guilty of breaking them all. We are guilty before a holy God. Therefore, when God looks at you and me, He sees us as lost. But there are some who have a relationship to God, some who are saved. For a person to be rescued, there had to be a place and a time when they were lost. They weren't born saved. Likewise you aren't born rescued. You are born lost, in the rubbish heap, apart from God, in need of being rescued. A rescued person is one who had been in danger, but was pulled from danger.


There is a second term we want to look at—the term unrighteous. In First Corinthians 6:9-10 the Bible says, “Know ye not that the____________ shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God”.

Who are the unrighteous?  They are people who are not right in God's eyes. The term unrighteous means not right, not having the quality of rightness in your life. If you considered the Ten Commandments carefully, there is no way you can honestly say you are right with God. There is no way that you can say you have kept all the commandments all your life. In fact, the Bible tells us that everyone on earth has broken the 9th commandment because they were born a liar. In Psalm 58:3 the Bible says, “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking___________”. We were liars from the time we were born.  We have to teach our kids to tell the truth. We don't have to teach them how to lie. They already do that by nature.

The Bible says we are not right before God. We have broken the Ten Commandments.  He also says in the verse we read, (1 Corinthians 6:9-10), that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. That is pretty tough. Let's take those verses apart and see what God is talking about.

Be not deceived:  Remember we are looking at things from God's viewpoint. He says don’t be stupid, don't tell yourself a lie. That is what people are doing in our world today. They think because they go to church and are religious, or because they are a good person or they have been baptized that they are right with God. They have their list of things they have done and think surely since they have done all those things, they will be okay. God will make an exception for them. But God says, be not deceived. Don't tell yourself a lie.

Neither fornicators: Fornication involves the sin of the mind, sexual lust, thinking wrong thoughts.  Have you ever had a bad thought about someone of the opposite sex, or even a bad thought about someone of the same sex?

Nor idolaters: Did  you ever make a god  to your own image, a god   which you thought  this  is how God   ought  to be   like, instead of letting God  be  God?

Nor adulterers: Did   you ever commit adultery?  Since you have been married, have you ever been sexually active with someone besides your spouse?  Have you ever even had a wrong lustful thought about someone of the opposite sex? Jesus said that is the same as adultery.

Nor effeminate: There is a tough one in our generation. We talk about Sodom and Gomorrah of the Bible days, but we have Sodom and Gomorrah around us everywhere. Homosexuality is everywhere you turn.

Nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor    drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall  inherit  the  kingdom   of  God:  These people whom God  has  listed  for us  here  in these  two verses are not going to make it to heaven because they are not right with God. Remember I didn't write the Bible. We are looking at things from the way God sees it, and God says that people who violate the commands of God are guilty of sin and will not inherit the kingdom of God. We are all in trouble.

Romans 3:10 says, “There is none righteous; no, not one”. Just in case you are thinking you are not in that group so you must be okay, God says, “There is none righteous; no, not one”. Now if you are not righteous, that makes you unrighteous.  God said very clearly in First Corinthians 6 that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Remember we are looking at how God sees things not what we think.  One day you and I will stand before God so we had better be prepared for that day. We are going to stand there before God who says, “You are not right before me”.  I think we’d better get concerned.


But look at what God says in 1 Corinthians 6:11, “And such were some of you; but ye are________________ “. Not only are there  some  on  one  side  that  are  not  right  and  have  no relationship with God, but there are some people on the other side who  do   have  a  relationship  to  God. There are some people who were unrighteous, but now they are right with God. Something has changed them.  They have a relationship with God and are termed “righteous”. At one time these people weren't right with God; they were seen as vile in the eyes of God. But now God sees them in this condition of righteousness. Somehow God cleansed them.

Romans 5:19 says, “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall  many be made_______________”. We read in Romans 3:10 that no one is righteous on their own. Yet it says in Romans 5:19 that there are some who are made righteous. Something happens to them. They don't make themselves righteous. That is not what that verse says. Notice the words again. It says they were made righteous. Something, some power from outside of them works upon them, to literally pick them up out of the unrighteous side and put them into the righteous side. Something happens to move them from no relationship with God to having a relationship with God.

Note these two things we have seen so far. There are some that are lost. They can’t find their way. They can't get to Heaven. They don't know how to get to Heaven. They don't have a clue on how to find God on their own. But somehow God is able to rescue them, to save them. There are those who are not right before God. But something happens in some of their lives, and they are picked up out of the column of not right before God and are put over on the side of being right with God. Again, it is something that is done for them. It is not anything they do on their own.


Let's look now at a third term found in Romans 4:6-7. “Even as  David also  describeth  the blessedness of the  man, unto whom God__________                           righteousness without works,  saying,  Blessed  are  they  whose  iniquities   are forgiven, and  whose are  covered”. The word imputeth means “to put on the account”. It’s a bookkeeping term, and is used when something is charged to a person's account. God says there are some people to whom He has imputed righteousness. Notice that the righteousness He is speaking of is imputed to them and did not come because they worked for it. Notice then in verse 7 He describes these same people as having their iniquities [sins] forgiven. Obviously, for God to say He has forgiven their iniquities there had to be a time in their life when their iniquities were unforgiven.

Remember we are talking about how God sees those who have no relation with Him. Every person born in the world has sinned against God. We have violated His law and mistreated Him. We are guilty, lost, unrighteous, and therefore in the state of not being forgiven by God. Forgiveness is not something you get on your own. It must come from the other person.

Suppose I went down into the congregation and slapped someone on the face very hard just because I felt like it. Then I declared myself forgiven and walked away.  Would that be forgiveness? Can I give myself forgiveness when I have wronged someone else? No, of course not. If I am to have forgiveness, the person I slapped has to forgive me. The person who is sinned against has to give the forgiveness.  It won't do me any good to strut around and say, “I'm forgiven because I said I'm forgiven. I say it is all right now, so it is okay”.

Yet that is how most people on earth live their lives, isn't it? They walk around declaring that they are okay, yet they have never been forgiven by God. The Bible declares that we have all wronged God. We have all sinned against Him. Wait until you meet up with God and see what happens then. When you stand before God, you will realize it is not you who can forgive yourself. God says there are many people who have not been forgiven.


But God says in Ephesians 1:7 that it is possible to be forgiven. “In whom we have   redemption through His blood, the_______________ of sins, according to the riches of His grace”. It is possible to have forgiveness in Christ. Romans 4:6-7 describes this   forgiveness as something given by God. It also describes forgiveness as being a covering for sin. Forgiveness comes from God, and it was made possible by the blood of Christ. It is God who has to forgive you because He is the one you have wronged. Therefore, God says there are those who have a relation with Him because He has forgiven them. They have wronged God, but God has forgiven them.

Remember, we are looking at the two groups of people that God sees in the world today. When you stand before God, you are going to be standing there in one group or the other: unforgiven or forgiven. There are some that God has not forgiven. Many people think that if they just tell God they are sorry, everything will be okay. But I've known people who say they are sorry but they don't truly mean it.

Remember God knows the heart. There are also some that will be standing before God who have been forgiven. God promises to forgive, but He only promises to forgive if we come on His terms. God knows what is in our hearts. He knows whether we are just trying to manipulate and use Him. He knows if we are trying to make a god after our own image, or whether we are willing to come to Him the way He says we have to come.


Another term that God uses to describe those without a relation with God is in Romans 5:10. “For if, when we were____________, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life”. He says there is a group of people who are enemies of God. When God looks at those who have no relationship with Him, He sees them as lost, unrighteous, unforgiven, and as His enemy. In most churches today you will not hear this truth preached. But it is true. The God of the Bible says you are His enemy. You are fighting against Him.

Notice that God says we are enemies against Him, not the other way around. It is not that God sits up in Heaven and says, “I hate you and I want to find a way to annihilate you”. If He wanted to do that, He would not even have to snap His fingers. He could speak the words and you would be gone, you would be history. But you are the one fighting against God. You are God's enemy. Yet, you think God is going to let you into Heaven the way you are. God says, “This is a joke. You think you want to come to my Heaven? Do you think I'm going to let you in after the way you have treated Me?”

Suppose my family and I were going to stay at your house for a week. But before we get there I started telling others what I really thought about you. I  told them you were a low  down rat,  lower than  a  flea's  belly, a  lying, cheating  scum,  etc. When word gets back to you about what I have said, are you going to open your door wide and say, “Come on in, pastor. We just love to have you here with us. Everything we have is yours. Just help yourself”. No, I hardly think so. You would be very upset and cancel the invitation promptly, and rightly so. Now, if you would not be happy about that, why do you think God up in Heaven is any different?  Why do you think God is going to let you into heaven when you hate Him? God is not going to say, “He hates me, but when he dies, I think I can reform him”.  You don't find that in the Bible. God says you are His enemy.


Notice the other term that God uses twice in Romans 5:10—the term reconciled. This is another term that God uses in the Bible to describe those who have a relationship with God. He says they have been reconciled. We find this term used in Colossians 1:21 also. The word reconciled means “to bring two parties back together who have been at odds with each other”.

We are enemies of God because we wronged God. God never wronged us; He has never sinned against us or done anything wrong against us. Therefore, God doesn't have to change. God is not the one that needs to be reconciled. Reconciliation has to happen on our side. We have to be brought back to God.

Reconciliation is not something that we can cause to happen. Reconciliation is something that has to happen from outside of us. It is not something we can bring about on our own. Suppose I broke your window, but then I come and say I'm sorry and want to be reconciled to you, but I can't afford to pay for the window. You have to be willing to say, “All right, I'll bear the cost of your wrong in order to have a right relationship with you. I'll put your wrong in the past, and whatever it costs me, I'll pay the cost and we will move on from there”.

But our sin against God is far greater than just breaking a window. Our sin debt is so great, it is a cost you and I can never pay on our own. It is a cost that only God could pay and He did that by the death of Jesus Christ.

That is how we are reconciled with God. God loves you so much and desires a relationship with you so much He is willing to forgive your sin and reconcile you to Himself. He  is willing to  pay  the  price  for  your sin  through  the  death  of Jesus Christ on the cross.


John  3:18   says,  “He   that  believeth  on  him   is   not condemned, but  he  that   believeth  not  is  condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”. Those who have no relation with God are lost and not right with God, they are unforgiven and enemies of God, and they are condemned. It is as if we have already been to a court of law, we have already sat through the proceedings, all the testimonies have been heard, and the judged has banged the gavel on the table to pronounce us condemned and under the sentence of death. That is how God looks at you and me.

Many people think that when they get to Heaven, they will have an argument with God   and work things out. But you need to understand that when you stand before God, all the arguments have already been heard. It is already over with. You are guilty and God knows you are guilty.

There won't be any slick lawyer you will be able to hire to get yourself off.  You will stand before a holy God who knows everything about your life, every sin you have ever committed and every vile thought you ever had. God knows everything about you, and He has already declared in the Bible that you are condemned.

Suppose you had been tried and had been found guilty of murder. The judge has pronounced the sentence as hanging. Then on the way out of the courtroom, somehow you escape. Now how would you feel when you walk down the street? You would feel guilty. How would you feel when you see a police car cruising by? You would panic and immediately turn in towards a building, hoping he doesn't see you, ready to run at a moment's notice. If someone treats you wrong, can you pick up the phone to ring the police to report him? No, you have to handle the wrong on your own. You are under   the condemnation of the law. For the rest of your days you would be running for your life, trying to stay alive, knowing one day you are going to get caught and then it is all over with. There is no plea and there is no way out. You are finished because the sentence has already been pronounced.

If you have no relationship with God, that is how you are right now in this life. You live under the condemnation of your sin. If you drop over dead without Christ, you would be in the presence of God, and immediately condemned because you have no relationship with God.


The next word is found in Romans 5:1, “Therefore being____________ by    faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”. That word justified means to be declared just. It is a legal term. If you are tried and condemned in court and the judge assesses the penalty, you must pay. But if someone walks up to the bench and hands over the cash to pay for the penalty, the judge bangs the gavel and you walk out of the room. Your fine has been paid in full and you are no longer condemned.

When you walk out and see a policeman, how do you feel now? It doesn't scare you or bother you because the policeman can't do anything to you. They can't arrest you for the same crime again. You don't get scared because you have been declared just in the eyes of the law. You are no longer under the condemnation of the law. You have been justified.

Notice that it doesn't mean you have never sinned. It doesn't mean that you never committed a crime, but it means you have been declared just. The penalty has been paid. The law has no more pull on you, no more power over you, no more condemning power on your life. The payment has been made; your account is settled. That is what justification means.

So there are two kinds of people God sees. First, there are those who are condemned before an Almighty God because of their sin. The Bible teaches that we are all condemned when we start this life because we are all not right with God. But there are some that God has justified, those whom God has declared just. The penalty has been paid. The condemned has become justified.


There is another term in Romans 5:9.  “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from____________ through him”. Romans 1:18 says, “For   the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who bold the truth in unrighteousness”. Another way that God describes those   who have no relationship with Him is that they are under the wrath of God. These people are described as “holding the truth” in unrighteousness. That phrase means holding down the truth, choking it out. You see, it is possible for you to sit in church every service and not accept the truth.  It is possible to be a deacon, a Sunday school teacher, a church member, and even a preacher and still not be right with God, but to hold down the truth, to keep it from having full effect in your life. Truth isn't just meant for us to hear about. Truth is meant for us to obey.

How did you do on the Ten Commandments when we went through them? Do you know how you ought to treat God? Do you know how you ought to treat others? Is that how you are doing it? If you are not, then you are holding the truth down, not responding to it as you should. People who have no relationship with God are under the very wrath of Almighty God. Not only are they condemned, guilty before God, but they are walking around the world with God angry at them.

It is like being on the FBI Ten Most Wanted List. If you are on the FBI Ten Most Wanted List and the police find you, do you think they are just going to come up and tap you on the shoulder and politely ask you to go with them? That is not how they are going to arrest you. They are going to come at you with guns drawn, with five or ten agents around you, stick their guns at you, and expect you to do what they say.

When you have no relationship with God, you are under the wrath of God. Yet many in our world that are in that very condition walk around like everything is just fine between them and God. When you stand before God looking at Him, you will find out everything is not fine. You will find out that God isn't smiling at you. God is in wrath. God will be looking at you in anger because your sin is against Him, and you are ignoring His way of dealing with that sin. God is looking at you in anger right now you but you may not have realized it yet. That is pretty serious.


But  those  who  have  a  relationship  with  God    are  called accepted in Ephesians  1:6. “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein be hath made us ______________in the beloved”. Everyone starts out life under the wrath of God. But there are some that have moved to the column of having a relationship with God, some who are accepted in Christ. What does it mean to be accepted? It means to be welcomed, to be wanted.

That is what God offers. He offers to you the opportunity to be accepted. How do you get accepted?  Is it dependent upon something you do?  Can you be kind enough to a person until it makes you accepted? No. Acceptance is something the other person has to offer to you. Acceptance is what God offers to you, through Jesus Christ.


The last term that God uses to describe those who have no relationship with Him is that they will spend eternity in Hell separated from God. Revelation 21:8 has been called the phone book of Hell, because it lists the people who will be there. “But the   fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”.

The lake of fire is another name for Hell. Those who live their whole life without a relationship with God are lost. They can't find their way to God. They are not right when God looks at them. They are unrighteous, and they are not forgiven. They are enemies of God, fighting against Him. God has already condemned them, and in condemning them, His wrath, His anger is poured out. God is angry with them because of their sins. He has a place waiting for them that we call Hell. It is the lake of fire, where even liars go. All you have to do is tell one lie and you are guilty.


On the other hand, those who have a relationship with God will spend eternity in heaven. First Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we________ ________ with the Lord”. Jesus is coming back again, and when He comes, those of us who belong to Him   will go to be with Him, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. That is what we today call Heaven, to be with Christ.

Getting to Heaven is not something I can do myself. It doesn't matter how many times I jump up. John Glenn has already been up into the heavens two times. But it doesn't matter how many times he goes up. John Glenn is never going to get into Heaven by getting on a space shuttle. You don't get into Heaven by doing it yourself. You will never build a jet big enough. You will never build a space ship big enough to get you to Heaven. You will never live a life that is good enough for you to get to Heaven on your own. The only way you will ever get to Heaven is for God to take you there, and He will only be taking those who have a relationship with Him.


We said all that to come down to this. There are those who have no relationship with God. In fact, the Bible tells us, “There is none righteous; no, not one”. Every person who is born into this world starts out on the wrong side. We are born in sin and have no relationship with God. We are lost, unrighteous, unforgiven, enemies of God, condemned, under the wrath of God, and will spend eternity in Hell. None of us have a right relationship with God when we start this life.

But God says it is possible for that to be changed and a person somehow to be moved into a right relationship with God. God calls those people saved, righteous, forgiven, reconciled, justified, accepted, and gives them a home in Heaven. Notice that these people did not make themselves right. They were made right through a power outside of themselves. As we will learn in the next lesson, that power is God. Through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross He is able to move some people from no relationship to a relationship with God.


Now   let  me   ask  this  question:  Is  it  possible  to  somehow someway, do  something to have this relationship with God? Is it possible for a person to change   themselves to have a relationship with God? There are certainly a lot of people who try. In fact, the Bible says in Proverbs 16:25, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of ________________”. The way that seems right to us as humans is that we ought to be able to work our way to Heaven by being good enough. Surely if we do the best we can then God will overlook all the bad.

That is the lie that Satan has placed in every person's heart. If you don't believe that, just ask ten people walking down the street how they think a person gets to Heaven. Every answer will include doing something good, unless that person happens to be saved and already knows what God says.

People try many different things. Some try good deeds like being good to a neighbor. I know a lot of tremendous people in this world who have no relationship with God, who are under God's wrath, heading to Hell itself, but they are some of the best neighbors you could ever have. They are wonderful people, but they don't know God. They do lots of good deeds, but they have no relationship with Him.

What are some other things that people do to try to make themselves right with God? There are people I know who tried things like   getting baptized or reading their Bible. Some give their money to the church to buy their way to Heaven. Some attend church and pray. These people think, “Surely if I do all these things, God will overlook some of these things I've done wrong”.

Let's look at it this way. Suppose you are convicted in a court of law of first degree murder. The judge asks you if you have anything to say before he pronounces your sentence. You boldly walk up to the bench and reply. “Yes, Your Honor, please give me a moment. I know I committed this murder. I believe it was wrong for me to do it. But that was five years ago. It took them a long time to catch me. But I want you to know that in the last five years, I've been a model citizen. I've not killed anyone else. In fact, my next door neighbor was having real problems and I helped him. I heard about a family that got burned out, and I donated money to them. I've been volunteering in the hospital. I even started reading my Bible, and I've memorized much of it. I go to church. I don't hoard my money. I'm a good guy. I'm nice to people. And I promise you, if you will let me off, I'll never do this again”.

Now what would you think if the judge said, “That is a moving testimony! I think I'll let you go. You've done so much good, I think you have made up for this murder you committed”.

No judge in his right mind is going to let you off just because you have reformed your ways. You still have to pay the penalty for committing murder. But suppose you made one more plea to the judge that went like this. “But Your Honor, one more thing, please. I throw myself on the mercy of the court. I've heard a lot of good things about you.  You are a good man.  I've   heard  how wonderful  and  kind  you  are,  how  forgiving you  are.  Your Honor, please, forgive me”.

What kind of judge would he be if he said, “I forgive you. Go free”. He would not be judge for long. That wouldn't work in a court of law.

That doesn't work with God either. God is a God of justice. He is not just a God of mercy; He is also a God of justice. When you and I come into this world, we are guilty before God. We are condemned, heading for Hell itself and rightly so because of our sins. But many think that somehow, by just reforming their life and doing some good things, maybe somehow God will let them into Heaven. But that is not what the Bible teaches. Remember we are looking at things God's way.


1. Romans 3:20

What does God   say?  Is it possible that maybe we can do enough good things to be right with Him? No, because God says in Romans 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be______________ in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of______________”.

Suppose this man who has committed murder stands before the judge and says,  “Your  Honor,  you don't  understand. Since I committed the murder five years ago, I've obeyed every law in this land. I've researched all the ATO tax laws. I have meticulously made sure that I have kept every single tax law and I've never violated anything.  I don't jaywalk. I go to the crosswalks. I never walk even if it is yellow. I don't go through yellow lights when I'm driving. I'm so very careful. If the speed limit is  60,  I  go   59,  just  in  case  my   speedometer  is  one kilometer  off. Your Honor, you don't understand. I've obeyed the law. You have to understand, I've obeyed the law”.  But what does all that matter if he has committed murder? He is still guilty.

We try to impress God   with all the good   things that we do. But doing good things was never meant to make up  for sin. Keeping the law or doing right does not save a man. God’s law was not given so we could keep it and earn our way into heaven. God's law was not given so we could keep it and be acceptable to God. The Bible says the purpose of the law is to show us our sin. God gave us the law to give us the knowledge of sin. God gave the law so we could see what God expects of us, which is total perfection.  If we break one point of the law, we are guilty of breaking it all.

It is impossible for a person to get to Heaven by keeping the law. God gave us the law so we could understand that we are in violation of God's law. The law can't save you. The law was given to condemn you. There is no hope in the law for you and me.

2. Isaiah 64:6

“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as; and we all do fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away”.  How does God describe us? He says we are all as an unclean thing. We would proclaim all our good deeds we have done, but God   says they are as filthy rags in His sight.

Now remember we are looking at things from the way God sees them. How does God look at me? I say I'm a good person. I've been baptized. I go to church. I give my money. I do good deeds. I'm the best person I could be. I pray. I read my Bible. I believe in God. Surely this is good enough. But God says all my good works are like a filthy rag.

Let  me   explain what  a  filthy  rag   is  briefly  to  help  you understand what God  is describing. A filthy rag in Bible days was a rag hung on a post outside of town. Lepers weren’t allowed to go into town because they would infect others with their oozing sores. But on a post outside of town was a rag hanging, called a filthy rag. A leper could come by with the puss oozing out of their sores and take that rag and clean their sores off. They would leave it hang on the post and the wind would dry it, the rain would come and wash it a little bit, and then another leper would come by, grab the rag and wipe his sores.  The filthy rag was the community wiping rag of all the lepers.

God says your good deeds, all the good things you have done, your church   membership, your attendance, your giving money, being a preacher or Sunday school teacher, is like a filthy rag in His eyes. That is how horrible it looks to God. That is how much good it does for you. God says He views it like a filthy, vile rag. Can you imagine, ladies, taking that rag home and washing your dishes with it?  You wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. But that is exactly how you propose to get into Heaven, isn't it? By a filthy, vile dishrag.

3. Titus 3:5

“Not  by__________ of righteousness  which we have  done, but according to his mercy he saved  us, by  the washing of  regeneration,   and  renewing  of  the  Holy Ghost”.  It doesn't  matter  how many  good   works  I  do,  if  I  have  no relationship  with God, it will  never be  able to move me  over into the column of  having a relationship with God. My good works cannot and will not make me right with God.

4. Ephesians 2:8-9

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of___________: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast”. Now hear what God says. We try to impress God with our good works, but God says, “You are not saved by yourself or by your good   works. If you were, you would boast”.


But I don't want to leave you without hope. Obviously, since there are two groups of people, those without a relationship and those who have a relationship, God has a way to get you and to get me   into a right relationship with Him. That way is through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. But everyone does not have a relationship with Him. There are only certain people who are in a right relationship with God, because they have come to God the way God says you must come to Him.

Don't deceive yourself into thinking you can stay in your unrighteous, ungodly, sinful condition, and God will let you into Heaven. Let's go on to the next lesson, to see what God has done to change you from no relationship to a relationship.


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